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This category includes birdwatching trips that I have guided for clients or have done by myself.

birdwatching in Bulgaria

Bird ID training course: the end

The last full day birdwatching in Bulgaria was a real treat: Pied Wheatear, Stone Curlew, Calandra Larks and amazing landscapes. We finish the trip with the superb 192 birds seen for 9 days.

Slender billed Gull

Bird ID training course: Day 8

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Birding around Shabla and Durankulak lake resulted in 92 birds seen for the day, including Ferruginous Duck, Rosefinch, and many more

semi-collared flycatcher

Bird ID training course: day 7

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During this travelling day we focused on woodland birds. We had fantastic views of Semi-collared Flycatcher and Eagle Owl

birding around Burgas wetlands

Bird ID training course: day 5

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We spent the day around Burgas wetlands and had fantastic views of Penduline Tit, White and Dalmatian Pelicans, Black and Whiskered Terns and many more to a total of 95 species for the day.

where to see raptors in bulgaria

Bird ID training course: day 4

This travelling day ended up with a total of 93 species. The highlights were Eastern Imperial Eagle, Masked Shrike and Olive-tree Warbler.

Black headed bunting

Bird ID training course 2024

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New bird id training course starts now in Bulgaria. I will be travelling around the country with 8 students showing them some of the birdlife of Bulgaria.

Birdwatching trip to Lesvos

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Just completed co-guiding a fantastic birdwatching trip to the famous Greek island of Lesvos. See my story in the link