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Weekend trip

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Last weekend’s trip was more productive than I expected. It was meant to be kind of a family gathering and travel to the Western Rhodope mountains where a place called Bratsigovo is situated. The area itself is great. The habitat is coniferous forest with lovely mountain glades. Whilst the scenery was great birding was a bit quiet. We had a nice Black Woodpecker, some Yellowhammers, White Stork, Black Redstarts and a lovely call of my first for the year Scops Owl. Photography opportunities were not great just because I didn’t have the time. However, on the way down from the mountains we had a lovely stop at some hillsides. I didn’t realise when a couple of hours just passed. Birds were all around and the nice thing is, the people in the car enjoyed seeing them as well so they didn’t mind me taking photos. They got quite excited when I happened to miss a chance to photograph a bird. They become keener than me. Excitement overtook when I suggested we can see a Little Owl breeding in the area. Well here it is:

bird photography in Bulgaria
Little Owl photography in Bulgaria

Corn Bunting photography in Bulgaria by
hide photography in Bulgaria
Crested Lark photography in Bulgaria
bird photography in Bulgaria
Tree Sparrow photography in Bulgaria
bird photography in Bulgaria
Whinchat photography in Bulgaria

At the end of the day when I had even packed my camera this lovely Red-footed Falcon turned up. A small group of 5 was preparing for a night roost. The light was pretty miserable but I still managed to get this shot.
bird photography in Bulgaria
Red-footed Falcon photography
hide photography in Bulgaria

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