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Waders photography in Bulgaria

This time I happened to be on the coast in the right time. I really needed to spend some time off from work,  photographing birds and get some break from the daily activities. For a couple of days I had to conduct a course on bird id with local students. After that was my time. I had two days to spend waiting for my girlfriend to come and there I go. For these two days I only managed to get three photography sessions but I am quite pleased with the results. Lots of waders around and finally managed to get a few shots of Redshank, Dunlin, Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint, Wood Sandpiper, Greenshank, Little-ringed and Ringed Plovers to name but a few. One of the rarest birds I managed to photograph is the Broad-billed Sandpiper but my favourite of all are the photos of Common Snipe. These lovely birds were really tame pretending I was not there. They landed only about 1,5 m from me and stayed there for a couple of minutes. What a superb little creature. I had never had such an experience. Wanted to absorb and memorize every single feather of their plumage. Really stunning.

Here I will start with a few images. More are coming soon but it will take me some time to go over the 50 GB of photos.

Common Snipe photography
Common Snipe photography

Common Snipe photography
Common Snipe photography
bird photography in Bulgaria by Iordan Hristov
Curlew Sandpiper photography
bird photography tours in Bulgaria
Little Ringed Plover photography
Redshank photography in Bulgaria
Redshank photography in Bulgaria
Dunlin photography in Bulgaria
Dunlin photography in Bulgaria

The sunset in the protected area is just fantastic. The pylons are not very natural but birds love them for nesting.

Landscape photography in Bulgaria
Poda Nature Reserve © Iordan Hristov

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