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Travel photography in Bulgaria

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Travelling in Bulgaria for photography is a real experience for everyone who loves exploring different cultures and traditions. Join me in this 14 day trip around Bulgaria and see some of the images you can take.

birdwatching in Bulgaria

Bird ID training course: the end

The last full day birdwatching in Bulgaria was a real treat: Pied Wheatear, Stone Curlew, Calandra Larks and amazing landscapes. We finish the trip with the superb 192 birds seen for 9 days.

Slender billed Gull

Bird ID training course: Day 8

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Birding around Shabla and Durankulak lake resulted in 92 birds seen for the day, including Ferruginous Duck, Rosefinch, and many more

semi-collared flycatcher

Bird ID training course: day 7

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During this travelling day we focused on woodland birds. We had fantastic views of Semi-collared Flycatcher and Eagle Owl

birding around Burgas wetlands

Bird ID training course: day 5

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We spent the day around Burgas wetlands and had fantastic views of Penduline Tit, White and Dalmatian Pelicans, Black and Whiskered Terns and many more to a total of 95 species for the day.

where to see raptors in bulgaria

Bird ID training course: day 4

This travelling day ended up with a total of 93 species. The highlights were Eastern Imperial Eagle, Masked Shrike and Olive-tree Warbler.

Black headed bunting

Bird ID training course 2024

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New bird id training course starts now in Bulgaria. I will be travelling around the country with 8 students showing them some of the birdlife of Bulgaria.