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Breeding bird survey in Norway: the start

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3.45.pitch dark out there but the alarm goes on. It was time for the adventure to start. I ought to mention the light conditions because they will be different where I am going.

I quickly made myself a coffee and off I went for the flight. It was going to be a long day at the two airports where I had to change flights on the way to Tromso. This is where I will be surveying in the next couple of weeks.

At Sofia airport there was no problem whatsoever. I was flying with Lufthansa and their luggage allowance let me carry 23.8 kg which was quite a pain to adjust last night. I had to leave behind one or two items but there was no other way around that.

At Frankfurt airport where I had to spend 3 hours I was a bit puzzled about the luggage transfer but quickly solved that and made sure that my camping gear for tonight will be with me

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