New trip is on my list for the coming three weeks when I shall be travelling around the northern parts of Norway to conduct a field bird survey. I have to cover 10 survey routes in the area of Tromso in the second half of June. The terrain is pretty ruff but I have got some good gear so I hope everything would be fine. I have got a Deuter Neosphere -10 sleeping bag (1,4 kg), and a 3.8 cm mat from Robens (610 gr), and a Trimm Himlite tent (1,6 kg). I shall be testing and writing about this gear and its performance. Some of the routes are in pretty remote areas with high altitude difference among the survey points. For some routes it is over 500 m and the starting point of some routes is about 4-5 km from the nearest road. The survey of each route should start at 4 a.m. so it would be quite a challenge to do this trekking during the night. Luckily it would be fairly light up there. Anyway I intend to camp somewhere in the vicinity of the starting point and will probably walk to it on the previous day to reduce the walking time during the night.
field route for surveying breeding birds in Norway |
The landscape though looks absolutely stunning. Will try to post updates when possible because I shall be camping most of the time and will be hard with the civiliziration. My notebook will be next to me though so I shall post some news now and then.
a part of my luggage 🙂 |
Well I am looking forward to it. Stay tuned if interesting to hear about my birding stories and wildlife adventures