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Birding trip in Bulgaria, day 5 of 8

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Bourgas wetlands

Weather:  sunny with temp 25 degr.

We started the morning at Vaya lake with nice light on the birds. The change of habitats from previous days certainly brings new birds. We started adding new ones: Penduline Tit, White and Dalmatian Pelicans, Black and White-winged Black Terns, Night and Purple Heron, Great reed Warbler. At another stop on the same lake we added Little Bittern and Little Grebe.

After a quick stop for coffee and fuel we continued adding species: Glossy Ibis, Shelduck, Gadwall. The highlight of the morning and the day is a group of 15 Collared Pratincoles that landed about 20m in front of us and started bathing in a pool. We watched them for several minutes. What a stunning bird. This sighting is a good candidate for bird of the trip.

Collared Pratincole (digiscoped)

In the afternoon we visited several other wetlands including Poda reserve. We had more observations of Collared Pratincoles, Whiskered tern, Curlew Sandpiper, Ferrugineos Duck, Lesser spotted Eagle, Short-toed Eagle, Oystercatcher, and some other birds. 

Throughout the whole afternoon we had great migration of Pelicans and Honey Buzzards so kept seeing groups of them. 

Our last place for the day were the saltpans of Atanasovsko lake where we added Mediterranean Gull, Spoonbill, Ruff, Curlew and Dunlin. It was a great day with new habitats and birds. We had 84 species for the day.

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