The day was sort of long… I managed to get some sleep and get proper breakfast at the 100 Eur hotel when the electricity stopped. Well i can’t do much about it. Did some reading and headed to the ferry for the ride to next route. It turned out to be an occasional stop of the ferry upon request. Well fine for getting in, but what about getting out of that place. It turned out to be a number where one should call to book a pick up. So I did but see what will happen. It might be an experience.
Once i arrived at this stop and the ferry dropped me off i realised i was in the middle of nowhere. There were a few houses but no one seemed to be around. Once i got off from the ferry i drove straight onto a dirt track because there was no road whatsoever. I moved up and down the 300m track and met a farmer who was truly intrigued who i was and was pretty concerned where i will be putting my tent. After we agreed there was no problem.
Well that would be an experience. I spent the next 7 hours in the car caching up with blogging and reading. What a rest this was… It didn’t stop raining and the wind was pretty strong too. Luckily i had no emotional problems that would have made my time really difficult. Somehow i managed to put up the tent and sneaked into it in between the raindrops. My tent did really well in this weather. It is Trim himlite