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Bee-eater and Roller photography guided trip in Bulgaria

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Bee-eater photography and Roller photography guided trip is just over. A group of four Polish photographers managed to get a few lovely shots of both Rollers and Bee-eaters.

“We are happy to be here”, “We are glad to meet the guide Iordan and hope to come back here” This what our guest wrote in our guest book. Quite a busy schedule with early morning start and late afternoon photography sessions produced a few results that made our guests think about coming back to our lovely ‘paradise’.

Our guests managed to fulfill one of their dreams to get a photo with bee-eater and a Roller in the frame.

Here are some of the preliminary images of the guide:

Bee-eater photography

Bee-eater photography
Bee-eater photography
Bee-eater photography
Bee-eater photography
Bee-eater photography
Bee-eater photography
Bee-eater photography
Bee-eater photography
Bee-eater photography
Bee-eater photography
Roller photography

Roller photography

Roller photography
Roller photography
Roller photography
Roller photography
Roller photography
Roller photography
Starling photography
Starling photography
Woodcock photography
Woodcock photography

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